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14492019-12-27How to rearrange the words in each line and top of file?Advanced search and replace2100
14272018-11-09How to multiply the fifth column by 10 in a text file?Text data calculation1939
13682016-05-23How to extract and join first words from adjacent lines?Text file parser2746
13672016-05-23How to extract different part from adjacent lines?Text file parser2545
13362016-01-13How to attach column 8 to column2 except line 1 in a tab separated file?Advanced search and replace2439
13352016-01-13How to replace the second column in a tab seperated file?Advanced search and replace2419
13042015-05-03How to replace the User-Defined lines of A text from B text?Advanced search and replace2628
12432014-09-05How to change letters in Column1 and Column4 to upper case?Advanced search and replace2585
12252014-08-02How to replace a repeated string in unsequenced order?Advanced search and replace2708
12002014-04-30How to replace the 7th column with increasing numbers between the specified range?Advanced search and replace3073
11992014-04-30How to replace the second column of a file with an increasing number?Advanced search and replace3016
11652013-12-29How to replace the 4th column if the 5th column is 0?Advanced search and replace3097
11612013-12-20How to merge odd lines from file1 and even lines from file2?Text merge3930
11372013-09-24How to replace the certain column with specified words?Advanced search and replace3193
10932013-07-02How to replace a words with the previous word in the same column?Advanced search and replace3161
10902013-06-23How to merge two columns of a CSV file?Advanced search and replace3932
10662013-03-18How to filter out the duplicate number after the specified keywords?Advanced search and replace3031
10622013-03-07How to extract specified interface and sw from router configuration file?Text file parser3021
10602013-03-02How to randomly remove comma delimited sentence fragments?Advanced search and replace2938
10302012-12-03How to replace specified occurrance of some string to a list of words?Advanced search and replace2851
10272012-11-27How to join every 50 or 500 lines together in a text file?Advanced search and replace3054
9602012-06-16How to join every 3 lines into 3 columns of csv file?Advanced search and replace3200
9282012-03-20How to randomly replace one line from line 7 to line 10 with the same numbers of -?Random word generator3426
9152012-02-07How to remove duplicate sentences across many articles in different files?Replace text in multiple files5118
9142012-02-06How to remove duplicate lines in multiple files in different sub-folders?Replace text in multiple files5016
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